
Efflorescece or otherwise known as salting occurs during the drying out process, chlorides and nitrate salts taken from the soil by rising damp will be deposited on the face of the plaster. These salts are hygroscopic, and during periods of high humidity the surface of the walls will be persistently damp, even when the rising damp has been eliminated. This process will be resisted by the use of Lectros Waterproofer salt inhibitor, however, when salts appear on the surface of the wall, they must be removed immediately in order to prevent damage to the top skin plaster.

Salt contamination of chimney flues and farm buildings which have been converted to living accommodation can prove to be a major problem with regard to drying out procedures and particular attention must be paid to replastering specifications in these types of situations. The use of salt neutralisers and alternative plastering methods should be given consideration.

To learn how you can combat against Effloresence contact us today to find out more.


Salting evident in masonry work

Salting in masonry