Tanking membranes

Structural waterproofing is commonly referred to as tanking and can take various forms. This type of treatment is required where external ground levels are higher than internal floor levels and where sub floor vault areas are completely enclosed by earth or adjacent structures. The theory of structural waterproofing is to provide a water impervious, dry decorative surface internally.

There are a number of different systems but in our experience the most effective and indeed most popular amongst our customers is the cementitious based tanking system. Please read more about this sytem below.


Cementitious tanking

Cement based tanking consists of portlandcements, blended and formulated with quality graded aggregates and chemical modifiers. In addition contains an acrylic polymer which imparts improved strength, bonding and abrasion resistance. Areas of treatment may need to be hacked of existing plaster (depending on damge levels of plaster) cleaned down and then the product can be applied. The cement tanking is mixed in to a slurry texture and applied by brush or spray and given two coats. Once dry the cement tanking can be plastered or slabbed over 



We offer a number of other systems to talk to us today about any of these please contact a member of our team.

Contact us on: 087-2575584 or (021) 4964969 or click here